Pop Culture Victim
Friday, May 14, 2004
  I'm being bad again.
I'm blogging this at work. I don't think I will post it until I get home, but right now this is at work. See, due to various circumstances, I am currently untasked, which means I get to peruse various documents until I am saturated in documentation like a percolated mass of documentation grounds that were used to make doc-coffee.

I'm well aware that doesn't make a lick of sense, thank you.

So what's new with me? Well, I'm glad you asked. Really I am. Because now I get to think about that and try and give an answer. I could talk about how I have music at work now, since that's kind of cool. Seems that not only did my PC come with Winamp, but also had a bunch of albums from one of the prior students in my job. Not really my cup of tea for tunes, since it was mostly rockish hip-hop like Rage Against The Machine, Aesop Rock, Swollen Members as well as some alt and pop rock like Simple Plan, Coldplay, Blink 182 (yeah, they're so pop), New Found Glory, etc. There was, however, a couple of White Stripes and Strokes albums that I already have an know to be good, and a Orbital dual-album that is pretty kickin' (and I subsequently brought a copy home with me on my MuVo). Also, there was a Dave Matthews disc in the CD drive that I have ripped and am listening to at the moment. I am starting to decide that I like Dave Matthews more and more as I listen. He combines elements of mellowness, jamming and rockage, so it makes for decent calming music. Like aural Crisco it just smooths everything over and lets things slide. The only downside I could put is that during some of his instrumental bits it can sound like the soundtrack for a Zalman King softporn or something, especially when he gets going on the saxaphone, and that tends to throw my mind for a bit of a loop. I also have The Gathering's How To Measure A Planet and some electro-pop fluff that I will be ripping as well. Hooray for having 10GB free on your work machine! Now if only I could remember to bring my decent headphones...

I've also come to the conclusion that I am increasingly a fan of the rock opera genre. Unfortunately, I can't find many of these to listen to. Other than the ones Ayreon has done (Final Experiment, Into The Electric Castle (which is one of his best IMO), Universal Migrator Pts 1 and 2, The Human Equation) and Pink Floyd's The Wall, the only one that I know of that I haven't heard is The Who's Tommy. I suppose I could also count the episode of Clone High where the clones start smoking raisins, since that was a pretty kicking rock opera as well, despite being only 20 minutes long (sans commercials). Still, if anyone knows of more, do let me know, since if you did, you would be my new best friend until another one comes along. Musicals that are very rock-oriented would count too, since while I love the concept of musical theater, I find the showtune style of music that they almost all employ to be completely silly.

So enough about music. Moving on to.... movies! Or at least movie, since there's only one on my mind. Troy comes out this weekend, and I'm kind of looking forward to that one. On the one hand, it will probably be extremely poor from a "staying true to source" perspective, since I'm probably not wrong in saying Wolfgang Petersen probably doesn't have that great a handle on Greek epic, but he can do some decent film work, so I remain optimistic. I was somewhat dismayed in hearing that Sean Bean was cast as Odysseus, since I really don't see him as fitting the role, but he's still a good actor so there is some mote of hope. We shall have to see, and then, if the film disappoints, then judgement will be passed, punishments will be created and enforced, and order will be restored to the universe. Just like Gaz and the Game Slave 2. (Zim reference, in case you just said "Huh??")

Fencing last night was pretty good. Got a few rounds in with various folks, and I think I would not be displeased if I were to end up staying in Ottawa and not able to train in Taekwon-do anymore. Sure, I would miss the board breaking and the flying and leaping and smashing things, but SWORDFIGHTING!!! I am told now though, that I need a style. Seems that my flailing and doing things "my way" doesn't work very well, and having considered the matter somewhat, I'm starting to agree. It would be nice to be able to start a bout with someone and have some idea of how I would direct the duel, rather than simply wing it and take things as they come. Add some preaction to the reaction, so to speak, despite the fact that I happen to like reacting and having the other person attack me. Part of the slack-fu training I undergo as a slackist. (Worship the slack.) So other than the obvious flaws in my swordwork, this might not be a bad goal to put on the list. Just need to decide on a sty!
le now...

As for Project Starve Myself, things are still on track for going veggie. I've almost cleaned out the apartment so that all that's left is a few cans of fish, some beef tortellini and some tomato sauce with sausage in it. As I do that, I also need to figure out how to cook beans, since I will be needing protein at some point. Milk is in, and if milk's in so are eggs, so I do have a fallback, but eating eggs all the time could get tiresome, so I will have to do a bit of research on how to proteinify my food. Also, I just may need to either "borrow" or purchase a suitable casserole, since I am thinking it will be needed.

Now no doubt you've noticed that I've basically abandoned my hopes of updating every day. I do, however, want to start up my links again. To do that, I need to fast-forward time about 6 hours to when I get home.


Amazing how this time travel thing works. Kind of like the Mr. Nile Experiment, only not animated. See, that ding was written at about 12 today, and it is now about 10 at night. I have leveled in City of Heroes and eaten tortellini and rode the bus full of smelly people and many more adventures. Those adventures don't include laundry though. I am rationing my clothes since my laundry room in my building is broken or something (it's closed at any rate) so I am in a bit of a clothes shortage. If by Sunday nothing is available, I might even have to expend energy and go to the laundromat. Poo.

Anyways, I think I have said all that I was going to say, and all that is left is to- Wait a sec! I did want to mention that on my way to work today I saw the people who empty the money out of parking meters. They do exist. I have seen this with my eyes. Yes I have.

(from Dave Barry's blog)Just plain wrong. Why would this be newsworthy? Who bloody knows.

(also from Dave Barry's blog) The Koreans have strange commercials. I think this might even top the Spongmonkeys in Quizno's.

(from Wired) Interesting news post about how CPUs will be marketed. It's encouraging to see product vendors that accept the truth in what they make every now and again.
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Location: The Great White North, Canada
Episode 54: So Very Tired.
As I burst back to reality with a gasping of air...
A funny thing happened on the way to Norrath.
Don't cry Tomato Baby...
Rain is good.
I think there's something wrong with me.
It hurtses usssssss...
I was going to go take on the day, but I think it ...
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