Pop Culture Victim
Sunday, April 25, 2004
  Home again, home again, jiggity jig.
So I'm back at home again. What's more, I've both finished filing my taxes (and am expecting about 1.3G in returns!) and I got me a digicam! Yay! In fact, I will attempt to get it going and put a couple of shots up, provided of course I can get the camera software going on my parents' computer. This thing is really not the best computer out there at the moment. It was, at one point, but neglect and misuse has driven it far past the point of usability. It is only because I have no other way of accessing the Information Superhighway (Such a great term... wonder why it vanished...) that I use it. But no matter.

Yesterday was supremely uneventful. Mostly I kicked around my apartment doing nothing except for a bit of cleaning and playing of Amplitude. Then I went to the airport and kicked around playing Metroid Zero and reading Cosmos (yes, still...). Then I was on the plane listening to Ayreon. Then I was home. Tediousness is fun, yeah?

I shouldn't say totally unremarkable though, since there was an interesting question posed to me by the airline attendant guy when he compared my Commie Hat to a Nazi Hat. I suppose the argument is valid, since the Soviets were pretty nasty sometimes, but to that I say two things: 1, the Americans also did some pretty nasty things, only we don't hear about them since we "won", and 2, I think everyone should be free to wear whatever they want, be it swastika or whatever. They're not really harming anyone, and as long as it remains self-contained, no problem. Once you start trying to take over the world and murdering entire races... well I think something should be done then. So that's my thoughts on that.

There was also a slight hiccup going through security as I lost my wire trimmers. Don't quite remember how they staying in my bag, other than they were still there from my last school term and have stayed in my bag on the plane to Ottawa. Regardless, they are Air Canada's now, and that is that. On the plane however, the family in front of me was in a jam since their son was not allowed to sit next to the emergency door, their daughter hated the seat and refused to sit there, and I don't even know what was up with their mom. I, along with two others ended up taking their seats, and as such I was charged with being the first to escape the burning plane carcass should we be the first to arrive at the crash site. What that means, basically, is no right arm rest and a poor view of the movie. This sucked since I did want to see Big Fish. Guess I'll have to wait until it hits video on Tuesday.

Today was about as unremarkable as yesterday, but only slightly less so. Like I said, I bought my camera, a Nikon Coolpix 2200 (the link goes to the 2100, but it's basically the same thing). This thing is both cute as well as cool as beans. I also drove around a lot and realized how great it really is. Perhaps I'll do some more later on this week (even on the highway!!! squee!). Finally, I chatted with the Chrises and saw Chaps new apartment (and building) which is a phat palatial Hollywood estate. Seriously, like HOLY CRAP HUGE!

Sigh. No links, since my link-list is back home, and as I don't have much else to say, I will play with my camera some more.
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