Pop Culture Victim
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
  Episode 54: So Very Tired.
Today is looking up so far to be a very bad day. Like most of the days I have that look like they're going to be very bad days, it will probably be quite the opposite, but up until now no evidence of this has presented itself. The evidence for the negative has been rampant though, between my getting less than optimal sleep, having to make a lunch at the last minute and then not having enough time for coffee, plus not having either music nor reading material for the bus. Way to start the day. Grumble.

I guess I haven't been posting as much as I would have liked to, but quite frankly, I've been running out of time. Well, running out during the week at least, as I am still enduring the fallout from adjusting to getting home at 6 instead of 4:20 every day. Weekend slackings can be chalked up to gaming. City of Heroes is digging its claws deeper into me every time I play. The combined result of the two is the constant feeling that I am not doing enough, while still not knowing what to do. Basically, I think I'm going through one of my periodic "freaking out" phases where nothing seems to work properly.

So I suppose you want to know what's been on my mind this past while.

On work: I got a new neighbour on Monday. Student from the U of A, as it turns out. He's a nice guy, but a little clueless, probably because this is his first work term and I don't think the concept of "real world" has quite sunk in yet. Give him time though, and I'm certain he'll be model worker ants like the rest of us. Yesterday, I had one of the most boring training sessions in recent memories, and that includes lectures. It was a mandatory session on intellectual property (which from the get-go I wasn't entirely into, since I consider the term an oxymoron) and as a killer start to kick things off, the lawyer-guy giving the talk asked everyone in the room where they were from, what they were taking and how familiar they were with IP. This took 40 minutes. Fortunately, my group was joining via videoconference, so most of us just heckled and chatted unnoticed.

I've also found that people saying schedule like "shedjule" instead of "skedjule" bothers me. It didn't used to, since my dad does it. But now it does. I don't know why. Just like I don't know why the last 20 minutes of the day crawls by slower than the previous 5 hours. Doesn't mean I can't not like it.

On TV: I am slowly getting caught up on my Trailer Park Boys. I'm up to episode 4 of the new season now, and I must say that number 3 was one of the better episodes ever. For those that don't put episode numbers to the shows, this was the "Samsquantch" monster one, and you know he's real because hey, what person ever moved like that in the history of people?

On Freezepop: Neo-new-wave (newer wave, maybe?) synth-pop group from Boston that sounds kind of like Depeche Mode only not depressing. (It's strange how many good things come from Boston...) They have some of the best pseudonyms I have ever heard. The group is composed of: Liz Enthusiasm, The Other Sean T. Drinkwater and The Duke Of Candied Apples.

On Van Helsing: Went to see this one on Monday, and it is one of the worst/best B-movies of all time. This film has it all: cheesy acting, atrocious dialogue, corny villanry (Dracula is such a goth! Not only is his first name Vladislaus, but he whines and emotes and tries to stay as pretty as possible to no end.) and effects. Oh my, the effects. If I had to compare it to any other film, I would probably go with the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. The difference is that where LXG was based on a much better work and tried to live up to that, Van Helsing is obviously Stephen Sommers' cream dream homage to the monster movies of yore (Well, that and his somewhat ineptitude at making films. I liked the Mummy Returns and all, but it wasn't exactly Movie of the Year material). All gripery not-withstanding, VH still has three things going for it: Kate Beckinsale, her boots and her corset. For those who are more into men, Hugh Jackman in a loincloth. Not only that, but this is one of the more awesome movies to watch with a commentary, and by that I mean having cynical friends poke fun at the flick every step of the way, from the fight with Mr. Hyde to the Ewok/Morlock Vampires.

Yub yub.

On weather: It is summer. Rejoice. I like spring as much as the next guy, but much prefer to get all the wet and dirtiness over with and proceed straight on to the heat, sun, shorts and sandals. The only downside is that it's already getting warm enough to make it hard to sleep at night, and this is only going to compound my tiredness even more. Still, I have a fan I can bust out, so hopefully things will still stay manageable.

On Worlds of Warcraft: Yes, I have seen it. The beta rather, and I have this to say. WoW is a very pretty game, and it looks to be immense fun for anyone interested in the MMORPG scene. However, if given the choice between a superhero game now and a possibly-much-better fantasy game 6 months to a year from now, I would probably pick the superhero game. I know this, because that's what happened. If CoH loses its luster by such time as WoW gets released though, I just might be there with the drooling masses to get it. Now I only have one more thing to say, and it is the important bit. It does not matter whether you get the game or not, but one way or another, try as hard as possible to see the dances. They kick so much snack ass as to be off the charts on kickassitude. If you can only see one dance though, you must see the male gnome dance. Close seconds would be the female night elf and the female gnome.

So that's that. That covers pretty much most of what has happened that I would comment on in the past few days. If you were expecting me to post during that time, and I failed to meet your expectations, will I guess you can always suck it up and keep checking my page. Until the next time I have something worthwhile to type.
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A funny thing happened on the way to Norrath.
Don't cry Tomato Baby...
Rain is good.
I think there's something wrong with me.
It hurtses usssssss...
I was going to go take on the day, but I think it ...
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