Pop Culture Victim
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
  I was going to go take on the day, but I think it tackled me instead.
Cursed wind and rain and unpleasantness. Not that I had anything really sophisticated planned anyways, but that's hardly the point.

Headed out to Taekwon-do last night to train, and saw a few familiar faces. Also saw a few familiar faces framed with new colours, as well as some new faces altogether. There have been a great many things that have changed in the world of the Taekwon-do politics, and yet at the same time, so very much has stayed exactly the same. The various factions are still bickering, much mayhem was had at tournaments and the dojang is still hotter than blazes, even this early in the year. I'm somewhat glad that I won't be around for the lovely hot August months, but at the same time I will be having to sit through the longer, hotter Ottawan summer. Yeah, that's going to be pleasant.

Otherwise, it's kind of nice to be back home. Spending much quality time in comfy recliners lavishning attention on a cat that seems to have missed me somewhat. Finished up reading Cosmos, and while a bit dry in parts, it is a thoroughly good read, especially if you're into learning about the Universe on a very broad cosmic sense. Kind of like Asimov's The Universe, only a bit more up to date and covering some wider topics (such as some of the history around astronomical discovery). Now, of course, I am reading Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. I figure it'll be a decent transition into Pratchett's world, which I have heard ever so much about recently. And since I know that Gaiman is a superlative writer without peer, I'll assume that any bits that are particularly good in this one are the result of the great collaboration at work. Needless to say, the book is reading something like the Book of Revelations after it has been disassembled into its basic elements and then steeped in a cunning brew combining the sharp dry wit of Douglas Adams and the silliness of Monty Python. So far so good, and will post more when I finish.

One of the other things that's been kind of nice about being home is the Mom cooked meals. As great as I'd like to say my own cooking is, the combination of not having to do the work myself with the familiarity of Mom's cooking just makes meals here sublime. In particular, BARBEQUE!!! I would say that you have no idea what it's like to be Albertan and go without a good steak for four-months, but I'm sure you could think of something comparable. Still, if beef tastes like murder, then murder tastes pretty damn fine.

So now I wait. So far my plan for tonight is either drinking or gambling, or both in either series or parallel. I'm really hoping for the latter followed by the former, since that would probably result in my keeping more of my money, but when I think about it more, it probably doesn't matter. See, I am something unique in the field of luck physics and have been described as a "luck air conditioner" or "luck donor" on multiple occasions. I don't believe I have ever walked away from a blackjack or poker table at the end of the night with more money than I when I entered the casino. However, when I go with others, one of my companions invariably does. Based on this, I have come to take the stance that I do not have luck myself, so much as what I do have I give to others, or I simply boost others luck something like NOS boosts those spiffy cars they show in the racing movies. Still, provided I steel myself to the loss of my wallet contents beforehand, I can still have a remarkably good time at the casino, and usually do. And since I have not had a good night of binge gambling, I feel it is high time. Barring that, just going drinking and carousing, or even playing some Risk would be acceptable. You know... whatever works.

Now, the killing of time commences. Someone fetch me my sawed-off.
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