Pop Culture Victim
Sunday, May 02, 2004
  Rain is good.
It was raining when I got off the plane tonight. A nice, heavy, thick rain. The kind that pushes the want to just grab blankets and pillows and huddle while the windows reverberate the staccato of the drops throughout the house. Too bad I haven't really any decent pillows.

The past couple of days have been fun. As of my last posting, I basically went out and met up with a friend of mine in St. Albert and just hung out, drank beer and chatted. Friday involved more vegging and an excursion out drinking again with more Taekwon-do comrades, and Saturday was the largeish party out at Robin's. She lives out (literally) in the middle of nowhere, which makes for rather good get-togethers. Best part is that on both Friday and Saturday, fire was involved.

I like fire. I'm not ashamed to admit that Fire = Good. This isn't to say I'm a pyro or anything, but one must admit that there is a thrill to be had just staring at things burning. The heat, the light, whatever it is, it's great. Add beer and the mix just gets even better.

Like most events I think I will be attending in the future, this one was heavily documented thanks to my handy-dandy Coolpix. I am not a good photographer, nor do I claim to be even mediocre, so I make up for this by taking as many pictures as I can in the hopes that some of them will be good enough to save for posterity. Once I figure out how I am going to be managing my image-hosting, I will be attempting to put together some online scrapbooky dealies so that I can show off the things I do with people. Until that happens though, you'll just have to take my word for it.

All that aside, now that I'm back "home" in Ottawa, since home is (and will be for a little while more) a rather relative term for me due to my vagrantitudinal tendencies, (If that's not a word, it bloody should be.) I must say it is good to be back in Ottawa. Yes, I miss my cat, and yes, it was nice to be fed properly and regularly, but I'm still having the impression that since I've been on my own these past couple of months, I definitely appreciate the calm and quiet that entails. That, and the only computer I have to fix is my own.

See, I am not so much a computer guru. People think I am, and they always ask me for help with their PC woes, but I am increasingly thinking that I am not. To be a computer guru, one needs to have an intimate knowledge of the PC and its workings, both inside, outside and even upside-down. If there's a problem, they know what can cause it and will go in a fix it. I don't do this. Usually, I have no idea why something doesn't work and the best I can come up with is speculation. I am, however, a power user. The way I thought about it on the plane was like a samurai vs. a swordsmith. I would tentatively guess that a samurai does not know how to make a sword, and while they can keep their sword in very nice condition, if it breaks past a certain point, they need the swordsmith to make it right again. I can use a computer like a samurai or a ninja wields a sword, and I can keep my computer in good condition such that it does not get to the state that my parents' PC was in (BAD.) but once a computer is broken to a certain point, there is not much I can do to reverse its state. Hence, I end up reformatting the hard-drive and reinstalling Windows, just like I did on Saturday with my parents' PC. Yeah, that was fun. The biggest peeve I had with the whole ordeal was not even the work itself, but rather the frustration I felt at the fact that there was so much stuff on that machine that nobody knew what it was for. I like my computers running tight and sleek like a Jag or a Beemer, and this one was like the diesel jalopy that could be tracked for miles from the inky black smoke and exhaust it spewed. It was... horrible. I think I'm going to move on now.

I'll resume with the links tomorrow, as I'm still doing some catch-up and figure-out. I have no breakfast food for tomorrow, so I'm still not sure what's going to be going on tomorrow morning. Lunch options are likewise just as tentative. On the other hand, I do have another job now, so everything's up in the air anyways. What is certain, though, is that I am going to bed in a bit. More tomorrow.
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Location: The Great White North, Canada
I think there's something wrong with me.
It hurtses usssssss...
I was going to go take on the day, but I think it ...
Home again, home again, jiggity jig.
I should be running on empty.
I shall try to be brief.
I fergot again.

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