Pop Culture Victim
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
  I should be running on empty.
I mean, I think I only got about 2-3 hours of sleep last night. Why am I still awake and not tired in the slightest? I think it's very very strange, but doesn't stop me from spouting forth the following thoughts and non-sequiturs.

So the Sens lost last night. This really sucks, since now I have to pick a new team to cheer for. Edmonton didn't make the playoffs, hence my being a surrogate Sens fan, so I'm stuck between choosing either Calgary or Montreal, since I don't really feel like cheering for an American team, and the Leafs leave (heh. pun.) a sour taste in my mouth from beating Ottawa. By "don't really feel like", I really mean, "wouldn't be caught dead." So now there is a conflict in me: do I support the Alberta team because I'm from Alberta, or do I not support the Calgary team because I'm from Edmonton? Or, as a third alternative, do I just not cheer for anyone and just follow along, me being the somewhat apathetic soul I am? This will require some thought, but damn is that last one getting appealing.

Why do the police always make a big point about what the street value of the drugs they bust is? It's not like they can sell it or anything. I mean, we're talking about controlled, illegal substances that should be of no value to anyone because of the inherent evil and sin they contain. (Not my real opinion...) Are the cops simply lacking in ego such that they need to pump up their accomplishments, similar to the fishermen who boast about the one that got away? Or like the people who brag about getting within one number of the winning lottery ticket? Now that I think, those probably aren't the best metaphors, but I'm stuck for anything more appropriate, so that's what you get.

(From reading the paper today. I forget which one.) Donald Rumsfeld is a poet. He came up with this little nugget of auric wordplay:
"As we know,
There are known knowns.
There are things we know we know.
We also know
There are known unknowns.
That is to say
We know there are some things
We do not know.
But there are unknown unknowns
The ones we don't know we know."

Groovy, no?

"Actually" is a totally useless word. I mean, really. Take any sentence with the word actually in it, and then remove the word actually. There's no difference! Look:
"No one actually saw the shark." becomes "No one saw the shark."
"Large meteorites actually come from the asteroid belt." becomes "Large meteorites come from the asteroid belt."
"My lunch was actually a sandwich." becomes "My lunch was a sandwich."

So since actually never really adds anything to the English language, why do we still have it? Only thing I can come up with is that people say it when they're correcting someone and want to sound pompous and important since they know the real truth and you don't, so why don't they enlighten you with their higher knowledge? (Or more concisely, just when they're offering correction in general.) So please, people, let us never use the word actually ever again. If I do, you can hit me.

I took a morality test the other day. Here's what I got:

Your Moralising Quotient is: 0.40.

Your Interference Factor is: 0.00.

Your Universalising Factor is: 0.40.

What do these results mean?

Are you thinking straight about morality?

There was no inconsistency in the way that you responded to the questions in this activity. You did not evaluate the actions depicted in these scenarios to be across the board wrong. And anyway you indicated that an action can be wrong even if it is entirely private and no one, not even the person doing the act, is harmed by it. So, in fact, had you thought that the acts described here were entirely wrong there would still be no inconsistency in your moral outlook.

I'm not sure if this means I'm going to hell or not. I think I'm basically just off the middle in terms of condemning things as morally wrong and in judging moral wrongdoing in universal terms, but I think that moral wrongdoing is not the legitimate target of societal interference. Uh... yeah.

(Dave Barry's blog) So, the council is putting it to a vote: all those in favor of making the tits on the statue outside bigger, say aye. Score one for the advancement of the times?

So yeah. I haven't been playing nearly enough PS2 lately, so I think I might do that tonight. After all, the soul still burns.
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