Pop Culture Victim
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
  I shall try to be brief.
Currently I feel odd. Squidgely, even. I am not sure why, but I have chalked it up to a number of possibilities. I could be simply anxious and worrysome about a great many things, most of which I probably have nothing to fear from. Alternatively, I could be going completely tin-foil-hat crazy. Finally, I might just be hungry. In an effort to dispel one of these, I am going to eat a salad.... now.

Munch munch munch.

Ok, after eating a salad, I do feel somewhat more normal, but I have also come up with something else. I think the fact that I'm in my last days of work may have something to do with this as well. Essentially, this whole week is feeling like a prolonged Friday afternoon. Interminally filled with not too much. I came up with the following haiku about it:

3 days of work left.
Time is moving slower now.
Can't wait for Friday.

That last line could also be "Have I gone wiggy?" but it doesn't have the same poetic-ness to it. Anyways, enough about that, and more about how my apartment was broken into today.

Well, not quite broken into per se, since I think my landlady let the ne'er-do-wells in to do work on my balcony, but I still came home to see my TV rolled about a foot and a half to the right, and some concrete crumbs on the floor and rug. Fiddlesticks, eh? So I swept up the crumblies and set things right again.

Speaking of order in the Universe, we might be able to write up a victory for the powers of Cosmos soon. Gravity Probe B was launched today, and if you don't care, I think you should. See, buncha years ago an egghead by the name of Einstein came up with a theory that explained some rather major things about the way things work, and so far it has yet to be proven wrong. I'm looking forward to see what GPB will tell us.

Changing topics like a bad driver changes lanes, I saw this a little while ago on the Dork Tower LiveJournal about the new I, Robot flick coming out.

Posted by pyat:
Let's see...

The book I, Robot features...
1. Pipe-smoking scientists.
2. Engineers talking about variable feedback loops.
3. Dr. Susan Calvin - an ugly, socially awkward woman with a life-long interest in robot psychology.
4. Long debates on effect of the Three Laws on robot behaviour.
5. An extensive future history of robot development and space colonization.

The movie I, Robot features....
Let's see...
1. A zany cop who plays by his own rules, and gets results, even if those pencil pushers don't like it.
2. A sassy old lady.
3. Car chases and shootouts
4. Dr. Susan Calvin - a super-hot, twenty-something vixen.
5. A murder mystery.
6. Crazy robots running over obstacles on all fours like evil bugs, ala Aliens.

Robots are clearly shown beating the hell out of people, which really makes it clear to prospective viewers that robots CAN violate the three laws of robotics.


Bleah is freaking right. I'm sure that this movie will at least be entertaining, but I think it will also go down as one of the worst book adaptations ever made. Yeah, that includes Starship Troopers.

(From Neil Gaiman's blog) Remember that dragon-in-a-jar that I posted a long while back? It's not real, but it's still famous. Maybe I should make something cool, pickle it and then use it to pimp off my stuff. How about a chimera? That'd be neat, no?

(From Dave Barry's blog) Take the Simon game. Remove the colours and replace it with mouth sound effects. The result is a very odd game. Zefrank indeed. I can usually get up to about 12 or 13 before losing interest.

So yeah. That's that for my early edition post. Right now, I'm going to go find out if you really can explode water with a microwave like you can eggs and potatoes, and if possible, go do it.
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