Pop Culture Victim
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
  K. Because I haven't written a subject that started with it yet.
Really. I haven't. Just go and check. While you're doing that though, do ponder the following Interesting Blog Quote, from robin_d_laws:

Bush supplied the standard terrible performance he gives in any situation requiring quick thinking and verbal deftness. The dude sure wouldn’t last long in a parliamentary system that subjects its top dog to a daily question period.

No real reason behind my furthering this nugget of wisdom, other than I find the concept of Bush fending off a Question Period totally hilarious. It would be like a cat trying to hunt down 2 laser-pointer-dots simultaneously: every time the cat tries to concentrate on the more prominent Evil Dot, the other comes and attacks it from behind, and eventually the cat just gives up and sits dejectedly. And the concept of the mighty POTUS sitting in the House of Commons weeping is just too funny. Or at least, it is in my mind's eye, which is really the only one I know, so it's all rather moot anyways.

And speaking of MooT, I was looking for the etymology of the word, (as in, the point is moot; those who say the point is moo are retarded) and I ran across this game. Now, knowing about it, I really want to play. See, I really like trivia games, mainly because I happen to be very good at remembering things. The rather lousy side of this is that nobody ever wants to play trivia. I propose two reasons: 1, that everyone I know sucks and is just doing this to spite me, or 2, that everyone I know just isn't very good at that sort of game and refuses to play regardless to spite me. Is it a problem when most of the explanations I can come with for all manner of things reduce down to spiting me? Because... I really didn't think I had deep-rooted psychological problems, but these things can be tricky, now can't they?

At this point in the program, I drop the ball on the segue deal and just jump topic like diCaprio jumps from the Big T. I recently procured a copy of the Kill Bill Vol. 2 soundtrack, and holy CRAP this movie is going to kick ass. All you need to do is listen to the snippet of dialogue between Bill and the Bride to know that this weekend is going to be filled with entertainment. Well, that and remember that in addition to the KB2 bomb dropping, the Punisher is comin' to town. While I'm not the hugest fan of Mr. Castle, I must admit that the cinematic aggregation of: one pissed off man + John Travolta basically reprising his Swordfish character + big scary Russian dude + the use of a HUNTING BOW (as in archery) in a movie = great potential for good movieness. And really, it can't be any worse than Spider-man or the Hulk. See, I really liked the Hulk, although on subsequent viewings it would probably lose luster just like Spidey did. I liked that one the first time I saw it too, but upon later consideration decided that there were better comic book adaptations out there, namely Superman, Mystery Men, Men in Black, The Crow, Ghost World... well, you get the idea. Spider-man 2 does look hopeful, except that they basically outline the whole freaking plot in the trailer. That, and I already feel dirty from all the digital stuntwork. You could almost see the Photoshop lines from where they cut-and-pasted the digi-actors into the frame! Still, one can still hope for post-production miracles, and as I said somewhere else, I'll try and reserve judgement on all of the above until I see the movies. Which for some of them, could be very soon.

I just looked out the window now, and it's still light out! Am I weird for thinking this is unnatural? Maybe I'll suddenly wake up and go "It's spring now!" like I did with the "I wake up in the morning!" bit a while ago.

(from Tagline) So Star Wars on DVD, eh? Going to be the Special Edition, huh? Well does it look good at least? Excellent...

(from evil_nikki, a FM poster)

Yeah, those zombie pygmies from Diablo 2 are real. Repent.

(from BoingBoing) I WANT THESE SO BADLY I COULD EXPLODE!!! Is there anything cooler to play with at one's desk? I didn't think so. (Feel free to give me stuff that is and I don't know about yet though...)

What else, what else...? I always dislike this grasping-for-a-topic that hits at the end of a post. My fingers are all like KEEP TYPING, but my brain says no. Then I pull something odd like Nero out of my ass and keep going. Seems that Nero is an Ottawa Jamband, and they're coming to town this Saturday to Babylon. I would really like to go, but I'm waiting until I hear what they're like first. They have some performances up on Archive.org (a site that is rapidly becoming one of my favorite sources for free music) so I'm downloading one as I type. Also, they have the D on the site, so I'm rather enthused about that too.

Ok, I'm done now. Gonna go back to counting the days until I get to go home, I guess.
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