Pop Culture Victim
Friday, April 16, 2004
  Mmm. Beer. *drool*
I have decided the Nero kick uncompromised ass. They didn't when I first started listening, but now that I'm well past two hours into the concert, I'm much more in groove with them. Jam music rules. Unlike Jimmy Swift however, Nero is much more instrumental. And by much more, I mean completely. This doesn't interfere with their jammingness though, and in fact, somewhat improves it. I think that over the 2+ hours I've been listening, they stopped playing twice. Well, probably more than that, but that's only the pronounced ones that I noticed. I think going to see them tomorrow at Babylon's will be in my best interests. Besides, I have to ween myself back into "bender mode" for when I go back home.

Anyways, I remembered my jot-sheet for today, so there are two days worth of accumulated thoughts to dump. Ready? Good.

As I said before, Mark (person in my office) doesn't like the computers and printers and, well, most technology further up the evolutionary tree than TV + satellite + home theater. They don't like him either. I find it amusing to hear him curse and swear at all manner of things, and then just get more aggravated when they spurn him in response.

25 word review of School of Rock: If you're a Tenacious D fan, or even if you appreciate good rocking, you'll like this flick. The kids really rock, and Black's great too.

There is a movie playing in Edmonton called Graveyard Alive: A Zombie Nurse In Love. By virtue of the title alone you should be putting your shoes on now to go see it. Now, I say! NOW!

There is a new facelift technique out there called a feather lift. It involves the implantation of micro-sized hooks into your face, and micro-wires tied to the hooks create tension in your face to make it "pretty". When it starts to sag, you go to the doctor and he/she tightens the wires to improve your face again. This sounds so much like Brazil it's not funny. Frightening, even.

Tenacious D has some kicking merchandise. This makes sense, since they are the greatest band in the world, but still worthy of mentioning. I especially like the Backstage Betty outfit, and I think the D definitely has... well, something for marketing their DVD with a cumrag.

Stage 13 has possibly their oddest lineup yet this year. I mean, Evanescence and ZZ Top headlining? WTF? Amy's gang I can sort of understand since their new and hip with all the cool kids, but the ZZ? Don't get me wrong - they rock hardcore, but they're not exactly the first band I'd think of for a rock festival. Perhaps the Bear is trying to mirror the more diverse lineups of Euro rock fests, or maybe just reinforce more of the "classics" angle they have. I don't get to go, but I think I can live without the living like a homeless person for a weekend.

SplitReason, the folks that I got my hat from, has a kicking new shirt. I want one, if only because it's Tux with a sword.

Apparantly in front of Kill Bill vol. 2 or The Punisher, there is a trailer for the new Batman flick. Nothing on Apple.com yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of sitting and hitting refresh.

(In4mador!) A dictionary for Cockney slang. If you don't understand what I say when I get back, this is why.

(Neil Gaiman's blog) RUN! There's a dihydrogen monoxide leak! It's already been (almost) banned in California! Flee!!!

(cheapassgamers.com) The open-source Playstation. Awwww, yeah.... Well, sort of. I suppose this would be fun to play with for a while, but given that I think you need to reformat your PS2 hard-drive for it, and I'm not too sure on getting it back to normal, I'll save it for being a toy that someone else has and you simply get to play with occasionally.

Whew. Done.
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