Pop Culture Victim
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
  Oh my.
Some people talk about tests of will, of faith. The idea that God is simply seeing whether or not you are strong enough... for whatever, I suppose. Personally, I think it's really quite silly. What could an omniscient being possibly get out of "testing" us?

Still, it's worth considering when I see things like the Flybar.
When the guy at the bike store first told us about the Flybar, he said "Man, that thing bounces twenty feet!" It doesn't, but I understand why he exaggerated. The Flybar has an amazing Boing Factor. Instead of a standard spring, it uses rubber-like bands which make the bounce feel more like a trampoline and can give you a real workout. It's bulky, but sturdy. You can adjust to handle adult or kid weight. My 13-year-old son saved up for months to buy one and he's never been sorry, because when he takes it to the local park, the little kids stare at him open-mouthed and the big kids try to keep their mouths closed and hide the fact they're staring.

It's taking a lot of willpower to not buy this thing immediately. Just the concept of a pogo-stick that can give a big person such as myself SIX FEET of lift... let's just say that if I were a gal, there would be references to moistened underwear. The sheer potential for the Flybar in terms of fun and mayhem are staggering. I mean, it would be like having a trampoline just about anywhere. The Flybar is all but screaming in my ear, "BUY ME! BUY ME NOW! YOU ARE NOTHING WITHOUT ME!"

Let's be realistic though. Would I really use this thing, or would it be fun for a day or so and then just sit in a closet? Honestly, I don't know. I guess it would depend on whether or not the Flybar is a viable form of transportation or not. If I could really pogo to school, I'd be there faster than you can say "fractured ulna". Even the opportunity to bust it out at parties might make it worth it. And it's not like I haven't spent 300 dollars on sillier things...

If I decide that I should not buy one, my only hope is that my short attention span forgets about the idea, just like I forgot about the kangaroo-boots. Otherwise, the only thing holding me back is having to explain such a purchase to my parents, and that roadblock is only a few months away from evaporating itself. Oh, the tension!
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