On Trailers
Happy Endings: I have a hard time figuring out what this one's about, but it doesn't look too bad. Kind of a love rhombus (like a love triangle, but more complicated) involving Maggie Ghyg... Gyggh... Gyll-oh you know who I mean.
Murderball: Documentary about wheelchair rugby, which was not quite what I expected from the title.
The Island: Because if they called it Logan's Run, it would be obvious that they've made an identical movie. Doesn't look that bad though...
Chronicles of Narnia: It's like they took all their visual cues from Jackson's Lord of the Rings, only applied to C.S. Lewis. Provided I can suspend all my fond memories of the BBC series from when I was a kid, and not associate Aslan with Jesus all the time, I should be able to quite enjoy this one. (Unless, of course, it's total modern Disney Suck...)
The Adventures of Shark Boy and Lava Girl in 3D: Sometimes I wonder if Robert Rodriguez honestly doesn't know why Hollywood has trouble taking him seriously. For every Sin City or Desperado, there's a Spy Kids or, well, this. However, if there was a summer movie purely designed to be seen while under the influence of psychotropes, this is probably it. Where else will you find a movie where 90% of the "action" is CGI props rushing at your face?
Herbie: Fully Loaded: Reasons to see? Lindsay Lohan and a VW bug that can beat up Matt Dillon. Reasons not to? Probably everything else.
Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit: If you need a reason to see this movie other than just because it's Wallace and Gromit, I'm going to guess that you probably won't think it's all that awesome. For the rest of us who just want to see a penguin with a glove on his head walk around in mechanical trousers, I'll see you at the theater.
The Greatest Game Ever Played: I have no interest in this movie. It's the same as every other bloody sports movie, only with golf this time. I only mention it because it has as much CGI in the trailer as that Shark Boy flick three links back, and I find that to be just plain sad.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith: Angelina Jolie. Lots of guns. I think I've presented all the justification I need to see this one.