Pop Culture Victim
Friday, May 21, 2004
  I dub thee... Eggberry!
There is someone out there in the wide world of ours named Charmaine Eggberry. That name makes me laugh (and it is genuine, as she works for the same company I do). And speaking of names, whilst reading my feeds today, I came across a new entry to my List of Cool Names: Moses Avalon. Sounds like a total secret agent name, or perhaps a rich billionaire.

So once again, there is not much new in the world of me. Fencing again last night, so much fun there. Almost collapsed a lung in the diner afterwards from laughing, but that's not really anything new. Tends to happen every now and again. Tonight, I look forward to a most entertaining evening playing City of Heroes. Haven't been able to log on for most of this week, due to the whole making things out of duct tape bit, and which I might add, was met to much approval last night, further proving the philistines and cynics who don't think duct tape is a viable fabric wrong.

I have however, been listening to more and more music lately, partly due to my being able to run Winamp on my computer at work, but more due to the fact that I can actually have music on my computer. Right now I've been loading up on some Orbital (despite what the critics say, I happen to like The Altogether) as well as Dream Theater's Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, which in my not-so-humble opinion, is a truly excellent album that represents the prog-metal genre beautifully. Best way I can think of to describe it would be to take equal parts Rush and heavy metal. Mix well, and then toss in some delusions of operatic grandeur to season. Let simmer and then listen. It is wonderful. It seems I'm also starting to listen to punk again, albeit very lightly. So far, I'm pretty much just listening to some of the Bad Religion albums that were foisted on me some time ago, as well as a few others, like Rise Against. I am of the opinion that most punk is crap, and it is, but since there are exceptions to every rule, I listen to those. Oh, and Rush still kicks ass. Yes indeed.

So Andy Kaufman's alive again. How about that? I like the spin Tagline put on it: Jim Carrey should be on the phone with him to secure sequel rights ASAP. He could make a killing! I mean, it would be the secret story of what Andy's been doing for the past 20 years, since apparantly it hasn't been spent, y'know... dead. In all seriousness, while the odds of this being real are probably 50/50, I don't see any reason to disbelieve it yet. I mean, really, what difference does it make? So I will give Mr. Kaufman the benefit of the doubt, and continue to wonder how many people were in on the joke, and how many friends he's just tossed into a tizzy from being dead for nearly a quarter century.

On Operation Possibly Starve Myself: I believe that I have started, as of about Wednesday. I was going to try and use up all of the meat in my apartment, but have decided that that is futile. I mean, the only thing left is some spaghetti sauce, a few beef tortellinis, some canned tuna (which has remained in my closet for months and I have no reason for it not to continue doing so) and some bacon bits (which, although real bacon and not "simulated bacon chips" which contain no real food, have also have sat in my fridge for months now and will continue to do so). Otherwise, as of May 19, I am (somewhat) officially a lacto-ovo-vegetarian. I will purchase no meat, poulty or fish at the supermarket (other than dairy and eggs, that is) and will refrain from ordering said at a restaurant unless there is no other option (ie. everything on the menu is non-veg -- I will not go hungry just to satisfy some silly goal). If I can keep this up for a month, I win. If not, I tried. Wish me luck.
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