Pop Culture Victim
Friday, May 28, 2004
So yeah, a little change here. Like it? The "new" Blogger.com is actually really cool. Now I can submit my blog postings via e-mail, so combining that with my BlackBerry means I can post from anywhere! Yes, you do need to envision me saying that ala Gary Oldman, replete with bulging eyes and veins.

So while I was but a few hours ago wondering if this thing had a future, I am now excited about Internet publishing again. Hooray! And to make it even more exciting, I am just now realizing the ramifications of being able to send SMS messages via email from said BB. I am SO getting one of these as soon as I can afford it. It is the Ultimate Communication Tool! Now without further ado...

If you happen to be sitting next to a table with money on it, specifically coinage that happens to be stacked neatly, and the person counting said money tells you to not push the table or that person will do something bad to you, don't push the table. If you do happen to shake the table and all the money gets de-stacked, and the person counting the money comes over and kicks you in the ass and you end up with a sore hip the next day, you can't really complain about it. You can, however, pass along the warning such as I am doing now. In my defense, it was so worth it.

I have another conspiracy-style concept. I am certain (meaning I just made this up off the top of my head) that it is possible to engineer a car with ludicrously efficient fuel consumption. The reason that it has not been done yet is that it would cause a large loss to the oil industry, as it would be un-necessary to fill up as often. Therefore, the gas companies are paying off the car companies to create an artificial demand for gas-guzzling SUVs and to keep even the most "fuel efficient" models of cars at a decent level of fuel consumption. The car companies then spend said money on advertising and marketing to convince people that this is all normal and that they do want to buy cars the size of ocean liners that burn gas as though burning gas were going out of style. Think about it. I mean, why else would anyone want to buy such things when they could buy a smaller, faster, safer, more efficient car?

In other news, I have decided that Indian cuisine is pretty darn good. Went out with the rest of the coops (it being Friday and all) to a restaurant called Havali's for their lunch buffet, and hot damn was it tasty! I especially liked the vegetable fritters in a curry sauce, and have decided to find out how to make said dish. And speaking of dishes, the concept of making oatmeal for breakfast is more appealing now that I have received a method for making it by microwave in 2 minutes. Still, 2 minutes is a long time when I'm really hungry and NEED FOOD NOW in the morning. I mean, I'm impatient enough when I wake up to not want to wait for toast to toast, and I'm expected to wait for 2 whole minutes of microwaving? Sure, it's far better than the 10 or so needed to make eggs or something, but still more than about 30 seconds needed for a bowl-of-table-sugar-equivalent. Then again, perhaps I simply need a breakfast-preparation-time-allotment paradigm shift. Yes... that's it...

You have reached a dead end. Please take the non-sequitur to your left.

Deep Purple is an interesting band. Perhaps it is because they changed their band members like most people change hairstyles. While this is fascinating, I do have another theory. They are one of my recent flavors-of-the-month, as they happen to include one of the best instruments ever in their band: the organ. I like synthesizers as much as the next guy, but for some really kickass rocking, you need organs, and only need to listen to Highway Star to find out why. The sheer funkidelikness and the wailing of the pipes just have that certain je-ne-sais-quoi about them, and the keyboard-based nature of the instrument means it not only has great range and dynamics, but can also produce incredibly deep and complex rhythms. Problem is, other than Deep Purple, I am stuck to figure out what other bands include liberal use of the organs. Both Cream and The Doors come to mind, and I will be checking them out soon, and there are a few tracks that Monster Magnet does, but I have heard and already loved those tracks to death and back. Any thoughts would be most appreciated.

I finished Metroid Zero recently on my GBA, and would like to submit the following 25 word review for approval: This is classic Metroid action, or at least while it lasts. Both fun and steeped in nostalgia, but far too easy and short for my tastes. I finished this game in about 4 hours, according to the clock at the end of the game. Yes folks, you read that right. Counting only time logged between save points (so not counting sessions that resulting in death or power-down), the timer read about 3:49 or so. That is barely long enough to qualify as a demo, let alone a full game. What is with gaming these days, when games can clock at 10 hours and be considered of acceptable length? I mean, yes, I did whip through Metroid kind of quickly, but it was also not my fault, as the game is mind-blisteringly easy! Sigh. For my next endeavour, I am thinking of attempting Boktai again. The last time I played this was pre-winter, as it is necessary to have sunshine to play this game, and that is one resource sorely lacking in the cold months. Things are better now, or at least they would be if it were less cloudy, but I can at least believe that the overcastness currently over Ottawa will pass sooner or later (hopefully more the former than the latter), and when that happens, I shall be the best solar powered vampire hunter evar! Or at the very, very least go to EB, trade in the games I currently have and get something like Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I think I just might like that game, but at the same time have my reservations about the fact that it's a strategy game, and a turn-based one at that. Not really my bag, you know? I've always been more of the Mario/Metroid style game when it comes to the GBA, but in that camp we also have Yoshi's Island and Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (I loooooove Castlevania!), so there's that as well.

Now would probably be the part where I put some crazy linkage here for your amusement. With that in mind, I present the following:

Death by Squirrels. From Dave Barry's blog. I don't know how he finds them, but he finds the best headlines evar.

Do you like addictive, yet oh-so-cute games? Then go here. If all goes according to plan, you should go Awwwwwwwwww! as though you just saw a kitten kiss a baby bunny when you play the froggie game, or the koala game, or... well any of them really.

(from BoingBoing) Yet another thing I want to play with. Water that isn't wet. The possibilities are endless. Literally.

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