We don't need no stinking titles
Long weekends are awesome. I spent mine on the road, up in Edmonton. Nothing really impressive, just hanging out with friends mostly and only really have the following comments to make on that:
Ein, the combination of
- Strawberry Twist vodka,
- McCain's grape punch, and
- Sprite
result in a concoction capable of stunning livestock. Any hint that the drink might be alcoholic is replaced with a taste of Jello, a loss of balance and a heady sense of invincibility. This is a dangerous brew indeed, for those who like the taste of sugar and fruit with their poison.
Zwei, Constantine is not a great movie, but at the same time, it is not horrible. Hollywood apparantly learned at least enough to stop another Alan Moore comic from being turned into
something that spawned from the loins of carnal horrors that shall remain nameless, but not enough to make the film good in the classical sense (which I take to mean as being something one could heartily recommend another to go see in the theater). It's certainly worth a rental, particularly if the whole God vs. Devil fighting over the souls of man conflict is of interest. To put it on the "other movie" scale, it's certainly better than
Van Helsing, and about on par with
Underworld - enjoyable if you dig it and its transgressions are forgivable. If you know anything about Constantine however, and the news that Keanu Reeves is playing a character that was originally a working class Brit, then you might want to shy away. (Working class apparantly becomes "very angry asshole" in Reevesian.)
Drei, Saw is a much better movie than Constantine. It's a nicely original take on the serial killer genre, since each "murder" is really an elaborate trap for the victim, each one more screwed up than the last. Watching it in the company of friends who burst into laughter every few minutes reliving the phrase "monster snorkel" slowly killed the mood of the movie, and it's a testament to the film that it managed to resuscitate said dead mood back to life during the final 10 minutes of the movie. Definitely recommended.
Vier, flat tires are a pain the ass. I don't quite know when the tire went, but I know that it was quite flat when I got up on Sunday morning, and it was driven on while flat since the tire guys couldn't fix it because it was full of dirt and crap. To make a long story short, one emergency tire-changing, 45 minutes of killing time in Wal-mart and a couple of new tires later, I managed to have a car that was in driving condition again. Note to self, don't let this one happen again, as it is annoying in the extreme.
So that pretty much sums up my weekend in Edmonton. The remainder of it after I got home was spent playing World of Warcraft. I'm not going to bother trying to review it, for the reasons that a) I'm not that far into it (only level 9ish) and b) there's not much point. Everyone else has already said that this game is the nuts, and they're all correct, so that's that. I'm playing Juche, a night elf druid on the Nathrezim server, and I'll probably be online for many an evening.