Well I feel a little better now. I'm expecting a call from my dad later on today and I'll find out more details, but right now I'll probably be heading into Toronto in the middle of the week, and then again on Friday (for a different reason though). Like I said, my Grandpa's passing wasn't entirely unexpected (he's hasn't been in the best of shape for about a week now), and he was in pain, so I'd like to say it's for the best. Still, one can't ever be entirely prepared for this sort of thing. Like padding up to go play hockey since you know you're going to be hit, but then a meteor the size of New Hampshire lands on your head.
I kind of feel bad for my sister though. She was coming back from a trip to New York last night, and she has an audition for college today. It'll be rough to say the least.
I think what hurts the most is that he was kind of my favorite of my grandparents. I don't want to rank them or anything, but he was the one I wanted to be around most, and he turned out to be the first one gone. And what bothers me most is that I'm going to have to go through this again.