Pop Culture Victim
Thursday, February 05, 2004
  What's up? I'm glad you asked...
So it would appear that I'm not the only one with a little corner of the internet. My fellow co-op student and engineer Berry has managed to set up a little blog of his own. Rather meaty first post, too, but I digress. Seeing as how he maintains that he won't be updating at my pace, my blog should remain a superior read, with something new to rot your eyes on every day! Unless I get tired or sick or something. But that hasn't happened yet, so no worries!

Also worthy of mentioning is another blog I found recently, In Passing. In the words of its author, "... a collection of the random things see and overhear on a daily basis." Personally, I think it's a really neat topic to blog about. Sometimes, you really do overhear some funky conversations. The kind that make you burst out laughing when you're walking through the mall, and then other people notice you and you try to act like it was just a cough or something, but nobody's really fooled.

On Linux
It's that time of the year again. Seems like at least once or twice a year, I start thinking that switching to Linux is in my best interests. I really don't know why, other than the fact that I get bored at work and start reading HOW-TOs and Unix for Dummies. (It was in my cubicle when I started, despite the fact that I don't need any kind of *nix OS. Really.) When that happens, I start thinking about all the neat things I can do with Linux and how much cooler it is to use over Windows. Call me old fashioned, but I like using the terminal to manage files, move things around, run programs, etc. That, and I have a number of vi references handy, so I want to learn how to use it. I mean, you just have to type like 3 buttons to do tons of neat stuff! (Sure, those buttons are something like 2yw to cut the next two words or something equally obscure, but that's why I think it's cool.)

So one way or another, I start thinking about how I can do everything I do in Windows on Linux, and how I'm not really playing games now, and how it would be so great. But really, I always end up overlooking something and wind up going back to Windows. It's like a vicious cycle or something. A vicious cycle that's going through my head right now. I have the discs for Gentoo Linux and I really want to try it out, but I'm having trouble talking myself out of it. I'll probably end up doing something stupid in the near future. And you all get to be informed when I do. Isn't the internet wonderful?

Random news about me you probably don't need to know but I tell you anyways
Had a really bad morning today. Happily sitting eating my wonderful sugary chemical concoction they call Cinnamon Life when my nose starts to bleed. I'm barely awake and I have a crisis on my hands. So I grab the Kleenex and start going through the whole first aid routine. Only when I'm sitting much-less-happily eating my cereal again, do I remember I forgot to make a lunch for today. When I get that sorted out (last of the leftover taco pie!) I finally manage to continue my routine where it left off, only delayed by about 5-10 minutes. Fortunately, I still made my bus, but things were not off to a good start. Rest of the day went relatively OK, except when I found out I don't get any holidays until April. That sucked, but I got by until the coffee break, at which point I think I managed to start formulating words more intelligent than "nr." or "snh." Thank god nobody said "someone's got a case of the Mondays" or I would have started going ape and attacking people with a stapler.

Is there nothing better than buying apples that come in apple socks? You know what I'm talking about. Those white styrofoam mesh sleeves they fit over fruit like apples and pears and apple-pears so they don't get as banged up. I think they're grand. Almost as grand as blood oranges. Coolest fruit evar. Kind of a cross between an orange and a grapefruit, they look orange on the outside, but they're bright red! Cool to no end.

Lastly, I learned something very important about tea today. I learned that one must always attempt to rip teabags by the perforated seams that hold the two bags together. To rip in another spot results in lots of tea everywhere. See kids? Your education never really ends.

Go! See! Do!
For those that are aware, Breed has a release date! I can't speak for anyone else, but this game looks rather cool. Something about following the dropship from orbit to planet's surface just sounds really neat, and with any luck, the gameplay will be good too. Spidey sense says that it'll be rather average though. (Spidey sense says that about a lot of things though. I think it's just pessimistic.)

Remember that band Air I mentioned a while ago? IGN has a review of Talkie Walkie here. I agree with most of it and as I said before, really like the CD. I didn't know that it was just two French guys though. All the women on the album are just guest vocalists. Anyways, either get the album from me, or actually (gasp!) buy it and see for yourself.

Just when I think that the comics companies are nice and happy and good folk, they do something like this. I am firmly of the opinion that a superhero is just another profession (albeit a fictional one) like detective, police officer or lawyer. Nobody claims trademark or copyright on those terms, so why should super hero be any different? Besides, "Superhero Happy Hour" sounds so much better than "Hero Happy Hour". Leave the silly copyright and trademark bickering to the music folks.

Anyways, before I go, I dare you all to turn your right foot clockwise while drawing a '6' with your right hand. Betcha can't!
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An Amendment.
Taco Pie, Part Deuce
It's Ele-egg-tric. Oh yes.
Chuck Palahniuk ate my spleen.
Phoque! Phoque! Phoque!
I am hungry, but my Mac and Chee is not heated yet.

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