Pop Culture Victim
Friday, January 30, 2004
  It's Ele-egg-tric. Oh yes.
Bad puns of the world, UNITE!!!

Anyhoo, I'm having eggs for supper tonight. They're on a tortilla with some ground beef and cheese though, so it's more like nachos for breakfast. At night. Yeah, it's weird, but then again, so am I. Now I was talking to one of my fellow Force Monkeys Mods last night, and it was mentioned that all I seem to do all day (at least as can be determined from this blog) is cook and play video games. This is not true. Cooking and video games are but one aspect of my very rich, vast and deep persona. Just one of the many layers that makes up this humble little internet writer. I'm like an ogre.

Seriously though, I *do* do other things. It's just that I work for the government, so I can't talk about what I do at work, and I'm still really new in town and don't really do that much else that's worth talking about online. Stories about coming home from work and making perogies are quite high on my "interesting stuff that I wouldn't mind if the whole world knew" list. Lame, I know, but it's better than "did some stuff. ate peanuts. going to die. blah." Bear with me. (I may even be in the Lame-o-lympics!) When breaking news (like swordfighting!!!) occurs, and I feel like sharing, I will. Until then, you'll have to make due with internet news and stories about eggs.

Speaking of which...
From Mimi Smartypants... the Best. Headline. Evar. I mean really. You would have to start making up news to get something that's better.

Found an interesting quote too. I find it quite true...

Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power. -Eric Hoffer, philosopher and author (1902-1983)

Lastly, I *must* own this book. It has suddenly jumped up to the top of the list of "things I must read" (a spot previously occupied by Roger Van Oech's Whack on the Side of the Head, about creative thinking).

We are SO superior...
I read an article in the news at work the other day, regarding how Canadians have an air of superiority about them with regards to Americans. The work goes on to talk about Canadian stand-up comedy and how they all seem to put the same spin on things. Canadians are calm, polite and easy-going, while Americans are loud, rude, ignorant about Canada, etc. Basically the whole thing was geared towards saying that we feel too smug about ourselves and that this was not, in general, healthy. This wasn't what my brain interpreted though. By the end of the article, I was saying "Hell yeah! We ARE superior! Suck it down USA!" I was initially struck by how brainwashed I am regarding the whole thing, and that I'm sure most Americans are the very model of North American productivity, morality and prosperity. Then the rational part of my brain snuck up on the wistful, still-struck part and kicked the little bitch's ass. I still wonder how a country can be the top of the socio-politico-economic food chain in the world, and yet be mired down by exactly what makes it "the top". A pair of ducks, er, paradox to be sure. Those puns are getting restless again. Interestingly enough, while looking for the above-mentioned article online, I found a similar one here.

More internet randomosity!
Good god, he's in print. All the Wesley Crusher you can handle, now in a 3-part pile 'o' paper format!

In line with some of the above, here's the Ben and Jerry's guy talking about Oreos and how to fix the US budget. It's kind of odd why this hasn't happened already.

And to accomodate all those who don't have enough attention span to read anything else I've posted, this is a bunch of stuff getting shot.
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