Pop Culture Victim
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
  (Almost) Full moon tonight. Arooo.
"Life is a shit sandwich. If you have enough bread, you don't have to taste the shit. Remember that." -- Jonathan Winters, to Jess Harnell (as found out about from the Comic Book: The Movie! behind the scenes)

Spaghetti is simple and satisfying. If you don't know how to make it, then I should consider you to be only barely capable of making toast, since it's about as complicated. Whereas toast can be described with the mathematical equation T = (B + f) + b, (where T = toast, B = bread, f = fire (or toaster...) and b = butter) spaghetti (and a lot of other pasta too) can be illustrated by P = (h*w + p) + h*s + c (where P = finished pasta, h = heat (either stovetop or microwave), w = water, p = raw pasta, s = sauce and c = cheese). Note the only difference is in the application of heat. In toast, you must merely let the toaster (or fire...) do it's thing, but spaghetti involves having the water boiling prior to letting it do it's thing. Microwaving the sauce and grating real / pouring synthetic cheese is simply trivial. The only thought needed is (for spaghetti) recognizing that yes, the bubbles mean the water is boiling, and (for both) yes, the food is done to my desired tastes. Means brownish to black for toast, and not crunchy for spaghetti. And that is the end of my cynical food rant for tonight.

On a nicer tone...
So I'm thinking that the most powerful phrase known to man is a very simple one, involving only two words. No F's though, you foul-mouthed crazies. No, "Just saying" is quite possibly the argumentative trump card. No matter what you're arguing against, or for, or what arguments you're using, you can absolve yourself from just about everything just by replying "I'm just saying" (the "I'm" is optional). For example,

"You could stand to lose a few pounds, you know."
"Are you saying I'm fat?"
"Nope, I'm just saying."

Now there is the odd situation where the "JS" won't work, such as the odd mentally unstable, emotionally unbound sociopath, but by and large it'll get you off the hook. Only thing that bugs me is why, and the theory I came up with is thus. If you state that you're "just saying" you are conveying that your opinion is no longer meaningful. By "just saying" you state that you're just making noise from your talky-hole and that it shouldn't/can't really be taken to have any impact whatsoever. This allows the person that you are talking to (and probably just insulted) to shrug off the comment with no more than a single hair out of place. At least, that's the theory so far. It will likely be revised as I learn more about this fascinating addition to one's verbal Swiss Army knife.

The sound of a thousand mice clicking
If I were a sock fanatic, I would buy these. Seriously, they're really quite good. For someone to be able to capture the proper look and feel, not to mention personality, of a sock on someone's hand enough to be able to make a painting called "drunkenly amorous", then that someone has talent. They are indeed an artist, and all the power to them!

Satan, on file-sharing. I'm glad to know that the Lord of Darkness, the embodiment of evil himself fully endorses my being a pirate. Kind of odd that he should refer to Apple far before Steve Jobs came into being, but I guess he can see into the future, having all the evil powers necessary to tempt men and steal their souls and all that.

Remember that guy who beat SMB3 in 11 minutes? Well, it was a fake. Took him about 2 years to do it perfectly on slo-mo, but if you really want to beat it the actual way, these folks can tell you how. I'm not sure about the timing, but accurately captured here and presented in a music score style format, as well as accompanying video, is all the button presses one needs to be able to pass Super Mario Brothers 3 using the NES controller. I think I've mentioned that some people have too much time, but I think the extra push of "having bizarre directions to direct one's creativity and time" factors in highly here.

And that's that. I go wash dishes now.
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