Pop Culture Victim
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
  You can't see me
But I have my arms raised in victory, dancing in mad joy for several reasons. First, is that Becca, my PSP, has just learned some new tricks and I am very proud of her for this.

Trick 1: E-Lit. While I would love to own a full set of the Invisibles trades in print, to read again and again, and to gentle stroke with my eyes closed imagining that it is Grant Morrison's smooth scalp, I don't. I do, however, have a set of rips that I found on BitTorrent a few years back and flipped through over the same amount of time. I have now taught Becca the magic of being able to use her photo-viewing ability in tandem with some software called PaperlessPrinter that can print files to jpegs. Now I can read anything that can be printed as an e-book, and that includes the Invisibles. Issues 1 through 4 begin tomorrow on my way to the job where I shall earn the money to legitimately buy this magnificent series.

Trick 2: Emulation. Becca now has multiple personality disorder as a lifestyle choice. She is a Gameboy as well as a PSP now, capable of delivering maximum Final Fantasy Adventure joy to me, as well as some Metroid 2, a little Bionic Commando and perhaps some Legend of Zelda on the side. She will eventually adopt a Super Nintendo personality once it becomes less retardulously sluggish. None of these games are legal, but in my defence, Nintendo would not be seeing a cent even if I did manage to purchase the game since they are all out of production to my knowledge.

So that's the two big ones. E-books and emulators. The other fancy one is that I am signed up with RUSC.com and am now enjoying Abbott and Costello, The Shadow, X-1, Lux Radio Theatre and The Green Hornet as mp3s. Like Eric Burns said, it's SO worth the price of admission. Also, I have this strange urge to heat my home with anthrocite and to smoke Camels...

Ahem. Hurray for trickses!

(Also, I am aware that I have not done anything with my podcast site in a long time. I have intentions to remedy this, but nothing definite yet. At any rate, it will be different. Watch this space. Or that one. Whatever.)
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(blink blink)
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