Pop Culture Victim
Monday, July 18, 2005
  Yet more PSP love
Finally! Some decent games coming to my handheld! (Well, one at least.)

THQ and European development studio Team 17 have revealed that the two companies are working together to produce versions of Worms for the Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable.

The announcement made today remained extremely vague on details, only offering the revelation that the PSP and Nintendo DS games were in development. When the games will be released, which versions of Worms the two systems will get, were not revealed.
(via Evil Avatar)

Fortunately, the screenshots shown are for one of the 2D versions of the games, and not the suck-ass-tastic 3D one. Worms Armageddon was the best of the series, so let's hope it's that one.

Diablo 2?!
Blizzard ask readers if they would buy a PSP or DS version of Diablo II if a wireless enabled multiplayer mode was included.

Rumours that a handheld port of Blizzard's Diablo II is in the works have emerged after Blizzard sent out a newsletter asking readers if they would consider buying a Sony PSP or Nintendo DS version of if Diablo II featuring wireless multiplayer. In the same news letter Blizzard asked readers if they would buy a DS version of the classic RTS game Starcraft.
(also via Evil Avatar)

Man, that last one made me break out in shivers when I read it. Portable, internet-enabled, Diablo-rific gaming heroin. I would pick that up again in a heartbeat.
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