Pop Culture Victim
Thursday, July 14, 2005
  (blink blink)
I have never stated that I am adept in social graces. I babble, make far too many jokes, say stupid things, and when I'm not doing any of that, I'm reticent to a fault. However, I do have some skills at relating to other people, which is clearly far, far, far more than this woman has.
Jean's husband went blind from an illness. She was wonderful in the situation. She always wore perfume since he couldn't see her. Arranged the house for his convenience. She read the paper to him every day and they did the puzzle together.

When he died, I knew she would be perfect for a male friend of mine who is also blind. She overreacted and said she would never go through that again. She had let her appearance go since he couldn't see her, and she liked to read the paper to herself.

But taking care of her husband brought out the best in her, and that is when people are really happy. So I invited my blind friend over to try Jean's home cooking. She is really a spectacular cook. I brought all the ingredients and then invited Jean over. When she arrived and found Zachary here, she said, "Oh, no" and walked out.
Check the link. It gets worse. Seriously, I don't know of anybody anywhere that has bungled a situation this badly.

Crazy woman that is inconsiderate of others' feelings and that does not think through situations fully, you just won yourself a medal.
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