AH HA HAHAHAHAHA!!! Remember when I got my PSP that you could play games from the memory stick? 'Member that? And that if emulator software could be made to go on a PSP, it would be so totally rad and that I would be so happy forever!?
IT HAS BEEN DONE! I now cackle with maniacal glee!
If you've got a version 1.0 Japanese PSP—the kind that will allow you to run unsigned code from your MemoryStick—then count yourself lucky, as the first GameBoy emulator has just shown up for the device and you're the only ones who can run it.
Unfortunately, and there is always an "unfortunately" now isn't there, I don't have that particular kind of PSP. I guess all the PSPs that aren't the original Japanese 1.0 version require some kind of signature from Sony to make them go, ala-DRM or something. Personally, I hates it very, very much, since it means that I will likely have to mod my PSP to get it to be more useful to me. Bad Sony! Bad! However, that post does inspire hope that it will be possible, one way or another, and that is a good thing indeed.