Jeff Rowland is on fire.

Ok, maybe not on fire per se, but in comedy parlance, he is killing.
Ok, fine. Screw idioms, I'ma spell it out: I think the latest Wigus are immensely entertaining, to the extent where I am literally re-ordering my webcomic universe. Now and henceforth, the Holy Webcomic Trinity shall be composed of Penny Arcade, Questionable Content, and the collected works of Jeffrey Rowland. Yes, that's a total cop-out, not only because I'd toss Scary Go Round and Girls With Slingshots in there too within the time it takes to blink HALFWAY (ie. the closing your eyes really quickly), but also I am counting Wigu and Overcompensating as one comic.
So. Do yourself a favor and go read those, but
especially give Wigu a go. The last week or so has been particularly good, but really the whole things is awesome. Thus ends my pimpery of things I like for at least five minutes. (Maybe.)