Pop Culture Victim
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
  I'm all about the spending of money
Why am I buying music now? I was all over the Steal, Don't Purchase bandwagon until I discovered that trying to find my music illegally was more work than knuckling down and buying it for pennies off of the Russian mob!

My big announcement is this: I have found a nearly-as-awesome alternative to Allofmp3.com. Yes, they're still around, and they're still awesome. They even had Aina! The shop I have found, however, has several things going for it:
  1. They deal in DRM-free MP3s. This is a big yes. Not as good as the "any format ever, no strings attached" policy of the Soviets, but still good.

  2. They have obscure stuff. They maintain they're indie, and you can't really do that without carrying indie stuff, but still: Mogwai, Ratatat and Polysics, just for three random artists from the QCRL that I'm still looking for. There's probably a whole crapload of stuff that hipsters rave about and that I can't be bothered to care about.

  3. Decent price. Napster was a ahead of it's time, effectively setting the price of music at zero dollars--don't listen to those who say iTunes' buck-a-track is reasonable, 'cuz it's not. The market is still catching up, and Allofmp3 still has the best plan out there, but this is close with a basic service of 10 bucks a month for 40 downloads. Works out to be about 3 albums and a bit, or 25 cents per song, which is still more than nothing, but far more reasonable.

Who is this mysterious benefactor? EMusic.com. They have a 50 mp3 free trial which I am currently abusing to it's full extent. I recommend at least doing the same.
From eMusic's help section...

Q: Do musicians and labels get paid for the songs I download?
A: Yes. eMusic is a legal downloadable music service that compensates artists and labels for their work, without sacrificing convenience or low-cost.
I've been an eMusic subscriber for a few years now. They don't have everything you might be looking for but they've got some pretty sick releases off of Matador, Beggar's Banquet, Om Records, etc. They're fully legal too meaning artists, labels and song publishers all get paid.
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