Pop Culture Victim
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
  What a GREAT idea!
So it seems that people have found a way to vaporize alcohol. I can't possibly imagine why, but there's talking about hangover-free buzzes and such. I'll admit I'm intruigued, and given the opportunity would probably give it a try--it can't be much worse than a regular drinking binge, provided you can't just poison yourself with this vapor stuff. Either way, I'm less concerned about the product itself than about the push to legislate (read: prohibit) these things
Alcohol Without Liquid (AWOL) is a vaporized Vodka delivery system that enables users to "inhale" their liquor. ... Thirteen states are considering legislation to prohibit the sale of AWOL while the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States are also fighting for a nationwide ban.

I suppose in light of the situation, I just have to commend this action. I mean, obviously simply flat out banning these things will stop people from making them and using them, just like flat out banning all those drugs and such did. Backpats and congratulations all around!

Pfeh. The only thing this legislation would do would be: to force the production of said devices out of the country, which I'm sure the economy is just begging for; to force production underground where people can circumvent safety standards and sell you a gizmo just as likely to explode or melt or ignite your house as it is to work properly; or to just cause people to shrug and cobble together a homebrew way of achieving the same thing, likely with the same results as a 10-cent back alley model (being the last point, for those with short attention spans). Way to look out for the public good, folks.

(Update: I read the article at the Herald linked to by BoingBoing, and the company that makes these is already located in Europe. One down, two to go.)
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