I don't know who A.C. Newman is
This guy is apparantly some kind of Indie rock
god - can't say that, I've called too many people rock gods. Let's go with idol - of some sort, and perhaps has been involved in other bands. I really have no idea.
The Slow Wonder, one of his albums which I got not-so-surprisingly from the
QC Recommended Listening page, is quite amazing. I'm not sure how to describe it, other than some kind of soothing, catchy, pop-rock thing that when applied aurally is like one of those candy-flavoured drugs you got when you were a kid. It makes you feel better, but tastes not too badly going down either. (Compare this to something like Blueberry Boat, which also makes you feel better, but is a lot rougher going down and has a bunch of getting used to, like Buckley's cough syrup or something.)
My personal favorite track on the whole album is The Town Halo. It's the second-last track, and it starts out with what could only be cellos. Cellos! In a pop song! (To include a happy little inside joke that all of perhaps three people will get: the song fully qualifies as an "mmmmmm, so good!") From the cellos forward, it pretty much goes forward from there, with some nice piano accompanyment, and almost as an effort to try and catch you off-guard after the cellos, tosses in some kettle drums. I know! Is it not awesome? I'm so glad we agree. Isn't one-sided semi-imaginary dialogue fun?
So... yeah. Insert more irreverent witticisms here. Witty banter, obscure trivia, rambling metaphor... and we're done with this shoddy attempt at a conclusion. Hurrah!