Pop Culture Victim
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
  Great googly moogly!
J'accuse! The King Country Bar Association has officially robbed me of words with their proposal to completely revamp drug policy in the US.
The King County Bar Association (KCBA), Seattle Washington, has approved a sweeping, comprehensive, and (frankly) amazing Drug Policy Resolution that will be released tomorrow. They are calling upon the State of Washington to take over the regulation and dispensation of drugs currently under federal prohibition, and have prepared states' rights constitutional arguments in preparation for the inevitable show-down with the feds. This comprehensive work includes a full detailed history of drug prohibition, an analysis of models in other countries and a section called "States' Rights: Toward a Federalist Drug Policy."

Pete goes on to cite the opening vision statement:
[The KCBA] is calling on the Washington State Legislature to authorize a special consultative body of experts in pharmacology, medicine, public health, education, law and law enforcement, as well as public officials and civic leaders, to provide specific recommendations for legislative action to establish such a state-level system of regulatory control. The politically-charged term "legalization" is insufficient to describe how the state might control those psychoactive substances that are now exclusively produced and distributed through illegal markets. The concept of strict regulation and control of psychoactive drugs is a more accurate and useful description of this proposal and must be carefully distinguished from the idea of commercialization of such drugs.

Wow. Just... wow.

Wow. I wish these guys the most luck one can possibly muster. If I could squirt horseshoes adorned with rabbits feet out my ears, I would, because they're going to need it going up against one of the most closed-minded institutions in any government. Keep your eyes on this one, folks. It could be big.
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