Pop Culture Victim
Sunday, March 21, 2004
  But what about the maple syrup?
Story I forgot to tell from Thursday: I was heading back from the diner, and I passed these two skater-types talking, only one of them had a unicycle. You don't see too many unicycles around these days, so it was remarkable. Anyways, I continue past, and shortly thereafter he passed me on his unicycle and nearly bailed from trying to balance going along the curb. As we both approached the intersection, the light turned, so rather than dismount from his wheel, he started hopping on spot, and turned out to be rather proficient at it, given that the alternative was to fall off and roll into traffic. Anyways, unbeknownst to him, but knownst to me, another (third) guy came up behind and to the left of Unicycle-guy. The light changes, and Uni-guy goes to start pedalling off, but instead falls off and manages to shoot his unicycle at the 3rd guy behind him. It was rather funny to see someone smug enough to be in control of a unicycle suddenly lose it and fall down at the drop of a hat. That's it. Just someone falling down.

The whole thing actually reminds me of a story another friend of mine told me. He was driving down the road going home and while stopped at a stop light looks over to the sidewalk. He sees a kid walking home from school or something, and for no reason starts wishing the kid would slip on the ice and fall on his ass. Somehow his psychic powers must have done something, because the kid did indeed biff on the ice and my friend had a good laugh about it.

Yes, watching people get injured, especially when said injuries are self-inflicted is really funny somehow, and the reason I mention this is because Steve-O is coming to town. For those that don't know, he was one of the more insane cast members from Jackass, and while star Johnny Knoxville got to do the more high-profile stunts, Steve did probably the craziest, like having his ass-cheeks pierced together. With that in mind, I have yet to decide if I want to go see his show. It could be quite entertaining, but on the other hand, some of his stunts I would definitely not want to see in person. Namely the stapling things to himself. That one in particular just gets me.

I have a monkey in my trunk
So PocketPCs can now look like iPods. Or maybe they could but not anymore. See, this link is from a while ago, and I don't remember if the company that made the faux-iPod veneer for your PocketPC has be righteously sued and ordered to stop. Wouldn't be surprised if they were though.

I like random humor. Hence the following. One. Two. Three. No further explanation is either needed, nor possible.

Finally, for those that know about the "Developers developers developers..." Steve Ballmer speech, and the new iPod ads. The idea to combine the two has no doubt crossed many an animator's mind, but here it is.

So yeah. I'm getting picked up in a bit to go out for dinner again. This time I'm actually going to my aunt's place, since my mom's staying there while in town. More free food! Yeay!
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