Magical Adventures In Space
I thought
MAiS was going to suck. Really, I did. When Wigu ended, I was looking forward to WIGU-TV, and when
Jeff Rowland switched over to being about Topato and Sheriff Pony and Princess Dongle, I was a little disappointed. He has since got me just as crazy over Magical Adventures as I was about Wigu and am about Overcompensating. So you should be reading this comic because it's just awesome, and is by a very strange mad genius of a cartoonist.
Recently I saw Sin City. It was The Bomb, and kicks everyone's ass, even Batmans. (Seriously, Marv vs. Batman would be an amazing fight to watch.) Now, Rowland has now done the inevitable Sin City parody:

This is from a few days ago. Read the rest; it just gets so much better.