The main argument against gay marriage, as I understand it, is that it's some sort of attack on Christian living, or Christian beliefs. That Christians will lose ... damn, I thought I understood it for a second, let me look it up again ...
Back. The right to worship Christ? No. Umm, the right to educate their children as Christians? No ... hold on ... their own marriages, performed in a Church, will be invalidated ... no, that's not true ... they'll be forced to accept homosexuals in their churches and perform gay marriages ... no, also not true, individual churches are immune to enforced acceptance (thanks to separation of Church and State -- hey, sometimes itis good for both goose and gander!) ...
Here's the problem -- and I really do believe that misunderstanding this is the root of many issue in America today:
Your beliefs are not your rights. The government is in the job of enforcing your rights, not your beliefs.
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