Pop Culture Victim
Because I will likely forget tomorrow night
Happy New Year everyone! In which we say good bye to
the monkey, hello to Year of the Cock!
For I have TWO motives! (I mean, no I don't)
Step One:
Go here.
Step Two: Read the page.
Step Three Aye: Become intrigued about the game and hopefully go buy it, since it's very fun. This is motive number one, the sharing of quality merchandise and product, for I am a materialistic whore, ready to throw away my money for the slightest trifles that happen to interest me at the current moment.
Step Three Bee, or Motive The Second: Consider the word Munchkin, the number of times it appears on the page, and how it's quite possibly lost ALL MEANING WHATSOEVER. It would be similar to what would happen if I started talking about blood. How the blood dripped down the walls, or spurted from the veins (or maybe blood gushes from veins, while arterial blood spurts...) or how the blood was a certain shade of red. In fact, enough blood and blood blood the blood. And now the blood has lost all blood, which is blood since blood blood blood. (See? Words are fun! It's even better if you start thinking the spelling has changed. Shouldn't blood be spelled bluhd anyways?)
((Ok, maybe not.))
RIAA vs... The Red Cross?
*blink* *blink*
Seriously, what's up with this? Just because money comes from Kazaa, that makes it dirty money? Sure. Whatever. Tell ya what, if there was something that would make me more likely to
give coal to RIAA, this would probably be it.
So angry! Suprnova.org was definitely the best BitTorrent site out there, and quite possibly one of the best file-sharing resources as well. It will be missed for sure.
In other news, I'M DONE! DONE! DONE I SAY! No more finals. No more profs. No more lectures. Finito. I do, however, now have to do work, but that may be ok. I suppose I'll see later on. On the agenda for the next couple of weeks that I have OFF OFF OFF? I don't know.
Christmas shopping, for sure, since I kind of need to get started on that. Also, video games, since I have a responsibility as a gamer to at least try all the amazing games that have been released: Jak 3, Ratchet and Clank 3, MGS3, GTA San Andreas, Viewtiful Joe, Chronicles of Riddick, Pirates!, the list goes on and on.
Therefore, without further ado... AWAY!
UPDATE: I was reading
the latest on Doug Rushkoff's site and he pointed out that Suprnova going, well, supernova might be a good thing, since now the ball is back in the hackers' court. Sure, the MPAA/RIAA injunction is a setback, but once .torrent files get distributed using a decentralized source, they really won't be able to do anything about it, most especially so if the Gnutella case holds. Sure, things might suck for a little while, but not for too long, I am thinking.
Utterly fascinating article over at SensoryImpact.com about anti-consumerism:
This Magazine, a Canadian magazine, published an article about how anti-consumer books such as No Logo, Food Nation, or Fight Club is not exactly criticism of consumerism as much as a restatement of the “critique of mass society that has been around since the 1950s”:
The two are not the same. In fact, the critique of mass society has been one of the most powerful forces driving consumerism for more than 40 years.
This isn’t because the authors, directors or editors are hypocrites. It’s because they’ve failed to understand the true nature of consumer society.
Long, but well worth the read, particularly if you liked Fight Club or American Beauty. Those films might not be what you think -- they weren't for me.
Almost there...
I can see the light. It is the shiny.
Finals are over tomorrow, and I zip down to Calgary for about a week on Monday. Will post more then, I hope...
Best. Som*Pos. Evar.
Mr. Milholland has outdone himself. This is easily one of the funniest comics I have seen in a long time, and quite possibly one of the best S*P strips ever. I strongly urge you to go read it at once!
A museum, I will happily say I have never been to.
(I am going to leave this space in brackets, since I'm too busy staring agape that such a thing exists AT ALL, let alone only in cyberspace. It has rendered me speechless.)
(Click here to learn more about Noah's Ark and how it carried DINOSAURS.)
(Yes, dinosaurs.)
Dem bones...
There was a Calvin and Hobbes comic strip published once upon a time, in which Calvin imagines his skin has vanished and everyone can see his skeleton. This makes for an interesting meal time, and results in Calvin getting scolded for chewing with his mouth open. What made the strip interesting, however, was Calvin's skeleton. Being a 3' tall, completely disproportioned child, he had a very interesting bone structure.
This leads me to the next link I present to you:
A Skeletal Analysis of Charlie Brown and Friends.
It's interesting to see how similar Chuck Brown's skeleton is to Calvin's. Also, if Shmoo comes back as a zombie and haunts me, I think I will soil my pants in fear. He looks creepy with no skin.

I am a very happy panda.
See, every since I have been living at in the software lab at school, I have become more and more enamored with Linux. Specifically, Fluxbox is now my window manager of choice, and anything else seems unnecessarily clunky and heavy-handed, including the beloved-by-all Windows Explorer shell.
This has changed with the advent of a new* desktop shell for Windows. Gone forever are the days of the Start button. Revel in the new reign of
LiteStep!* Well, new for me. I tend to find about these things late, you see...
The background is in the process of changing, so this is still a work in progress, but I do have the following going:
- 3 virtual desktops, scrollable with either the mouse or keyboard shortcuts
- global hotkeys, bound to mozilla, winamp, et al.
- right-click menu from the desktop
We loves it. Aside from a few minor technical grievances that I could probably fix if I had half a mind to, everything is running almost exactly as I like it.
Now if only I could get work done at home...
I don't know what this is...
..but it's STUPID COOL!
Best. Photo. Evar.
That's a very high-res picture. If only my camera did that...