Pop Culture Victim
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
I have moved on.

This is it. The last post I'm going to be making on this here website. I must say, it's been a good run. Passed on some neat sites, managed to vent a little. I just might even miss it just a little bit.

I suppose that if I were a writer, I might go on and on in retrospective about the blog and what it meant to me. I'm not. I like blogging and all, but I don't share any special affinity for the creation of the printed word--I don't like writing, and it just winds up being a means to the end of sharing something with the internet. It also isn't like I really have an audience; not to knock whoever winds up reading this, but it's mainly just friends and the occasional passer-by or person checking their trackback links that visits here. I'm hoping that I'll wind up enjoying my next project more, so there might be more touchy-feely-weepy business when it comes time to close up shop there. Not here.

Pop Culture Victim, being this site here, probably won't be going anywhere. I've checked, and there are Blogger blogs still kicking around since 2003, so I'm pretty sure that this site will remain more than long enough to satisfy anyone's possible urge to sift through the archives. I can't really imagine anyone wanting to, but it's more effort to dismantle than to just walk away, and so walk away I shall.

My blogging shall continue, and I shall be venturing forth into the semi-charted territory of podcasting, should anyone care to follow me over to Geeklectic.com. Hope to see everyone there, whoever you are.

It's been fun. Ciao.
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