I live in Edmonton.
Some people, they live in California where there is one season and one season only: Pleasant. Some live in Europe where the weather patterns have meaning beyond my comprehension. Those that live on the East Coast probably have more empathy with the weather we get here in Edmonton, but their empathy probably won't hit until winter properly starts in December.
No, here in the Great White North, winter doesn't play fair. It jumps the gun and outright cheats. I don't like that, and if I could tackle a season and give it what-for, I would.
I picked up a bunch of movies today; I probably bought far more than I probably should have, but I don't really care. For the record, they are: Suspiria - Stupendously Awesome Edition, The Good, The Bad and the Ugly - Ridiculously Incredible Edition, and Farenheit 911. I'll blog more about those as I get a chance to watch them.
Otherwise, I suppose I will get back to the work I should do today. The operative word is definitely "should", since something tells me any work I get done will be less than substantial. It's the effort that counts though, right?