Instead of doing my MATLAB homework, I was going to doodle up a comic about how much it sucked. Two hours in, I realized I didn't really have any reasons why it sucked per se, and that I was mainly just frustrated for a variety of school-related reasons. Rather than ditch it like I would be wont to do normally however, I decided to share anyways. Using Hello! to upload comics probably isn't the best way, but I don't particularily care. The basic bits were done by hand in pencil, and all the image editing was done with the GIMP, which is the open-source Photoshop. Aside from a few crashes that happened for no reason, I think it worked out rather well. For a start, at least. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for anything else like this though - school is far too much at the mo'. Speaking of which, back to the MATLAB. Sigh.