Convexion sees between your eyes. Herds of gazelle concave at your feet!
Subject courtesy of
The Surrealist Compliment Generator
I've been checking out a lot of
Bill Hicks lately. He was a stand-up comic whose style reminds me a little of Denis Leary, with lots of rather blackish humor, lots of criticisms of society and modern culture, and lots of comments about drinking, smoking, drugs and all the rest of humanity's vices. I watched one of his shows today and thought the following quote was rather awesome:
"You never see positive drugs stories on the news, do ya. Isn't that weird? 'Cos most of the experiences I've had on drugs, were rrreal fucking positive. Er. Who are these morons they're finding, that's what I wanna know." ... "You know what I mean. Always that same LSD story, you've all seen it. 'Young man on acid, thought he could fly, jumped out of a building. What a tragedy.' What a dick, fuck him! He's an idiot. If he thought he could fly, why didn't he take off from the ground first? Check it out. You don't see ducks lining up to catch elevators to fly South. They fly from the ground, you moron. Quit ruining it for everybody."
I never thought about it that way. Makes a fair bit of sense.
Oh, and DVD The Second, better known as The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly? Kicks ass. I was going to write more, but it sounded like crap so I pared it down to those two words. Concise, ain't I? (Now go watch the movie!)