if (life != suck) continue; else explode();
>> make crowe-blog
Warning: Line 72: Contains complaining and introspection.
This is what I am reduced to - making C jokes in my blog posts. Yes, I am looking forward to partying tomorrow, and yes, I like how my pumpkin turned out. I don't, however, like working on code for an afternoon and then coming home to find that my changes vanished. Everything I did from about 1500 to 1800 today vanished. Don't ask me how; I don't know. It could have been something I did, in which case I call myself a smacktard and move on, or it could have been my university's sys admin messing around with the file server, in which case I restrain myself from attacking him in the hallway screaming bloody murder.
It makes me very glad to know that this weekend is another one of those rough spots I need to weather in this term. There have been a couple so far, and I see more coming up. The next stretch I might be able to relax in happens to start on November 16, and if you have any knowledge of gaming, you
probably know what that means. It disappoints me that I won't have time to play GTA: San Andreas until Christmas, but at the same time, if I get that now, I will probably fail my courses, and I don't like that prospect in the slightest.
I need to get back to my code. I am listening to William Shatner's new album, Has Been, and it's pretty good. I wouldn't say it's ideal coding music -- I'll switch back to my old standby Monster Magnet shortly -- but it's definitely not a crap album. At least give it a listen before dismissing it outright. Henry Rollins is on it, so it can't be all bad, right?
Now I gear up and dive back into the C.
UPDATE: My day (night, if you want to be specific) just jumped from a 2 to a 7. The random Japanese album I downloaded on a whim turned out to be the album from the guy who did the Kill Bill Vol. 1 trailer theme. Yeah,
that song. I am listening to the rest of the album, and hopefully will remember to post about how it is.