So I checked out Apple Trailers after a brief hiatus.
And boy are my arms tired.
Actually, never mind. It was a lame joke. I have, however, decided that there are certain movies coming out that deserve my attention. Eventually, I'm sure they'll get it. The short list looks something like this:
Mach. It's that Thai movie I just posted a link to. The thing about Warren Ellis that I didn't quite explain. Scroll down a bit, I'm sure you'll see it.
Napoleon Dynamite. A movie about a young man who is quite possibly the biggest loser ever. Talking past the level of Freaks and Geeks here, straight on to, well, he gets his own category. Looks to be quite amusing though.
Exorcist: The Beginning. Yeah, it's the prequel to the Exorcist. Thing is though, that it could be quite effective. (Could also be the most horrible movie of the summer, but I'll take that chance.) It could work simply because there haven't been too many straight-up Devil movies lately. Lots of stuff about "evil", and "not niceness" in general, but nothing where it is explicity about Satan/Lucifer/what have you. That, and it looks to be continuing a lot of the imagery that made the Exorcist work. Best of luck to it.
Sky Captain. If you need to ask, you probably haven't seen the trailer. If you've seen the trailer and still need to ask, you won't like it anyways.
Alexander. It can't be worse than Troy, right? It's Oliver Stone!
Anyways, they're all there over at
Apple, so go watch.