Pop Culture Victim
Monday, July 19, 2004
  Still not dead.
Furthermore, during this time of not-dying-but-also-not-posting, I have learned a few things. Say what you will about old dogs, new tricks, how neither applies to me, etc., but I am going to relate this newfound wisdom on to you anyhow.

First up is that asphalt hurts. You would think this would be obvious, but I can almost guarantee you that you've forgotten just how much it can hurt. This understanding can be renewed, however, at the simple price of a select square inches of skin from a few key points on your body - knees, elbow, maybe your palms. Nothing major. In fact, there can even be a time of fun prior to this payment - a kind of sweetened deal sort of thing - which may or may not involve frisbee football. Indeed, I'll even toss in the added bonus of telling you that the prospective QB who says she "can't aim and would be horrible" probably isn't, and will be integral in throwing the pass that will cause you to reach just that extra inch to make the catch. Of course, that little reach will also upset the happy zen your center of gravity holds and result in your handing over your precious skin to the road gods, but you'll be glad to re-learn what asphalt really feels like afterwards*. In hindsight, you'll probably think afterwards that grass would be better, but Frisbee Football is still a fun game and shouldn't be stopped on your account. The day after you might even bring the subject up after rollerblading up to a group of friends and the subsequent misunderstanding could shine the light of possibility on the prospect of the brand new, yet to be tested sport of In-line Frisbee Football**.

* Stinging burning, mainly, but with a mellow hint of belt sander.

** Would that not rule? Combine the best elements of Ultimate Frisbee and Rollerball! Er, without the whole death and sharp pointy death bits though.

Do you want to see the Stepford Wives? You know, that movie about the robot women that gives away pretty much the whole plot in the trailer? I didn't, but I kind of do now that I've read this article here. (brought to you via Tagline) Aside from the rather doozy spoiler near the end (read: DOOZY) it's a decent look at the way that feminism and women's lib has changed in the past 30 years.

Neato link to a page about granular explosions. Seems that sand can behave a lot like water when it comes to dropping things into it. The slow-motion movie is cool to watch.

I also have some new music to spout off on, starting with the Heavy Metal Tribute to Abba. Yeah that's right: Dancing Queen, S.O.S., Take A Chance On Me, bad band, worse songs, just won't freaking die, Abba. The album, with the exception of a few tracks, is utter dreck, but I keep listening to it, kind of like one picks at a scab or keeps trying to walk on a sprained ankle. Maybe this is a result of negative feedback: your body is saying "Yeah, it HURTS! I'm going to keep reminding you of it until you agree never to do it again. It's for your own good." Either way, the standout track is Summer Night City by Therion, and since one can get this track on the copy of Secret of the Runes that comes with bonus tracks, it's not worth the pain of metal Abba.

Next up is Moon Safari, by Air. If you've heard Air, you already know what to expect - very mellow, almost chillout music, and very synth. Very listenable though, and it has a very calming, soothing effect. A much better album, on the whole, than the last Air album I got, but since that was Everybody Hertz, a remix album, I am thoroughly unsurprised. I would say Moon Safari is as good as Talkie Walkie*. That leaves only one more formal album for me to seek out from this group, but since it's apparantly not that great, I'm not in any rush.

* Or rather, since Moon Safari was first, that Talkie Walkie is as good as Moon Safari.

Twas once a funny little post on Not My Desk about crazy people. As a fellow public transit frequenter who passes many crazy people in a day, I understand. I would probably have the same reaction too.

I want this oven. Maybe not in racing green, but at the very least in black.

Speaking of not that great, I went to see I, Robot yesterday, and it's not all that bad. Not Oscar material or anything, but hey - it's a Will Smith movie. I would say that it's his best work since Men in Black, but since the only movie he's made since MIB was MIB2, it's not much of a stretch. I, Robot is also better than Independence Day, but again, that's not really an accomplishment. For a summer blockbuster replete with the requisite explosions, stunts, action, one liners and Will Smith-ness that the term "Will Smith Summer Blockbuster" entails, however, it doesn't entirely stomp out the Asimov ideas that the film was "suggested by".* They manage to include some elements from some of the later books in the Robot series and they keep the answer to the whole "how can a robot kill someone" question somewhat true to source. The movie is worth seeing in theaters with friends though, since the effect would be lost on the small screen, but you do need someone to make snide comments to during the in-between-explosions bits.

* I'm not kidding, this was what it said in the credits. I, Robot the movie wasn't true enough to be based on or inspired by, so suggested by is as good as you get.

Alton Brown, the best TV cook evar in my opinion, has posted his thoughts on Supersize Me. I love 'em!
We are fat and sick and dying because we have handed a basic, fundamental and intimate function of life over to corporations. We choose to value our nourishment so little that we entrust it to strangers. We hand our lives over to big companies and then drag them to court when the deal goes bad. This is insanity.

Link found via Dork Tower LJ

Dance, Voldo, dance!

The Daily Show kicks ass. For one, they have the turtle chart. Also, commentary on the possible election cancellation in the States.
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