Pop Culture Victim
Friday, April 08, 2005
  HELL yes.
Thanks to Pete over at Drug WarRant, I now pass along the following excellent article, And Marijuana For All. This one's pretty darn solid reading, assuming of course, that you consider rational though to be good. I highly recommend reading the whole thing, and I urge you to pass it on to anyone who'll listen.

From my perspective, the marijuana issue is a no-brainer. There are probably more Canadians who smoke pot than play hockey. People have been doing this for more than 10,000 years.

No one has ever died from pot, while a number of approved pharmaceuticals have been pulled off the market this year for causing cardiac arrest or suicidal ideation. Growing pot is perfectly safe, but our harsh, prohibitionist approach creates an unregulated black market in which there is little incentive to comply with safety code standards.

Every moral panic is built on a few real tragedies. There have been grow op fires, and I guess some homes are overrun with mould. Some people have bad experiences smoking pot. But the occasional tragedy does not constitute a social problem, and if the prohibitionists were right, one would expect to find problems of epidemic proportions when there are millions of users and thousands of grow rooms in this great country. Emphasis added

It goes on to discuss six reasons, and they're pretty big ones, as to why the fight against marijuana is bogus.

I don't believe in the War on Drugs, and I don't believe anyone else should either. Maybe it's the engineer in me, but when you keep trying to solve a problem with a given tactic, and it consistently fails to solve it, or creates more problems than it fixes, you step back and try something else. Why we allow the people we elect to govern the country to say otherwise is beyond me.

Again, please read the article and send it on. I'll get down off my soapbox now.
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