In the beginning was the word. And the word was Aardvark.
I listened to an album I had on my computer for the longest time without ever really looking at: In The House of Secrets, by the Sandmen. I have no idea where I got it, or when, or who this band is, but it's not bad music. It has kind of a blues-rock feel to it; feels somewhat laid-back, but not afraid to march inexorably forward with the beat. I suppose that's somewhat of a paradox, but I don't particularly care. Think kind of a blend between a shaven, Country-less ZZ Top and some Eric Clapton. Or perhaps not. (I could be inventing these analogies off the top of my head for lack of better activity.) Still, if on the superfluously remote chance you get a chance to listen to the album, I recommend at least listening to Snowman (first track) and Ode to Will (in the vicinity of track six).
In contemplating my lack of having something to say, I thought of what could be a decent gimmick for a blog (not that I intend on starting another). Basically, I might have mentioned (or you might have noticed first hand if you have met me in person) that I have a good memory. I don't know if it's photographic, but I do have the recall of minutiae down pretty pat. That said, my idea was to simply write about whatever I happen to remember regarding some object at random I come across during a given day.
Example: CD by the Wallflowers (Bringing Down the Horse). I ordered the album through my early membership with Columbia House, a relationship that haunts me to this day. The Wallflowers themselves are an example of my early musical taste, something I don't consider now, in hindsight, to be very refined. When I got the album, Sixth Avenue Heartache was all over the radio, as was the Cartigans' single (Love Me, I think it was called). The selection of the Wallflowers' album in particular was more or less the result of having not minded the single and still having several "free" CDs to pick. The prodigy of Bob Dylan soon faded out of the spotlight, but he nonetheless ended up paving some of the way towards some of the stuff I listened to in high school, being somewhat mellow Alternative stuff, with some Rock. Basically, representative of the radio I listened to at the turn of the millenium (1998-2001): Matchbox 20, Marcy Playground, Metallica's S&M, Our Lady Peace, the Tea Party, Fastball, Matthew Good, Barenaked Ladies, and so on. Some of those bands are still around, some of them have since vanished into One Hit Wonder-dom. Since then, my tastes have gotten progressively harder and harder, to the point where I consider myself to be largely a metalhead while at the same time wading simultaneously forwards into the progressive/psychedelic genres and backwards into the classics. I still have a lot of my old music, though, and it pops up now and again in my playlist, keeping it real, yo.
So yeah. Whether I start going on more about this in the future, I have yet to decide. Maybe when I don't have anything to talk about and don't want to go all Adaptation-ish and talk about not having anything to talk about. I'm thinking more and more that that's overdone, so I'll shut up now.