Pop Culture Victim
Saturday, October 09, 2004
  I've Been A Bad Blogger
12 hour coding days do that to you sometimes. I have three weeks worth of news feeds to slog through. I have only barely managed to stay up to date with the milliard webcomics I track.

All is not teh SuX, however.* I do have the unbridled joy of Katamari Damacy to get me by. On the one hand, the game is as awesome as a game about rolling a giant ball of things around the world can be. On the other, the soundtrack is so much quality it makes me want to gibber incoherently. In fact, I have done this on several occasions, mostly to the tune of Katamari's opening theme, On The Rock. Na na na na na na naaa na na na na na na naaaaaaaaa....

* That's a TeX/LaTeX joke by the way. A bad one.

Other than all that, things are not bad. Long weekend has arrived, and there has been much rejoicing. I have artfully arranged to have my work for Tuesday done (through the power of LaTeX, no less) and I am therefore unencumbered by necessary work for 3 days. If I do work, it will be because I choose to, and while that might make for better work quality, it is SO not happening.

I also have some pictures to put up of random things I have done in the past month, so stay tuned.
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